As a Principal, I feel positive impact of balancing studies and co-curricular activities for kids is important!
Let’s get to know our expert!
Meet Mr. Shakir Rasool, Principal and Co-founder of Smartkids Digital Play school. He started his career in a multi-national company but left the job as soon as he realized his love for contributing to the education sector. Shakir always felt the need to lay a solid foundation for education in his hometown Kashmir and started working on the same in the year 2014 itself.
He believes that modern education should encourage kids to find their calling and give equal focus on their education and extra co-curricular activities. His love for children is evident in his eyes and we are glad to have this insightful communication with him. Read below to know more:
Hi Shakir. It’s a pleasure to have you on our Expert Talk Panel.
Thank you for this opportunity.
Tell us more about your digital play school.
With Smartkids Digital Play School, we are aiming to establish a study culture that fosters diligence, sincerity, and accountability to help our upcoming generation develop a passion for learning at every step of life. We also aim to promote a culture where parents make their kids focus not just on academics but co-curricular activities as well.

If given a chance, what changes you would like to make into our educational system?
Our current education system focuses mostly on academics. Having said that, I feel there is a lack of focus on co-curricular activities and making students learn new and relevant skills to become sharper and feel a sense of belonging in this ever changing world. I believe both parents and our education system should keep a balance between providing the upcoming generation the need to be good at not just studies but co-curricular activities as well apart from developing new skills as and whenever required.
What are your career aspirations as a preschool Principal?
I hope to create more of an excitement for learning among our student body by generating more enthusiasm for teaching among our staff and by demonstrating to the students the rewards of being academically active. My aim is to aspire in linking learning to life.

I want to be intentional about connecting with those around me and learn whatever I can from even the smallest interactions.
What keeps you going and motivated?
The smile on my students’ faces make me look forward to each day. There is nothing better than their happiness for me.

Any one liner that keeps you going?
“If not today, then it will definitely happen tomorrow. If not tomorrow, then may be day after. Things can work out anytime. You keep going in life.”

What messages you have for parents?
As a Principal and a father, I feel parents should focus on listening and understanding their children no matter what. Kids should always feel that their parents will have their back irrespective of what life throws at them. At no point, a kid should feel ignored, disrespected, misunderstood and demotivated in life. Parents should act as the strongest support system for their kids and refrain from comparing them with other kids and pressurize them unnecessarily. They should always motivate their children and avoid expecting too much of them.
What guidance you have for parents?
Please go easy on your kids. They are anyways going to experience the hardships in life as an adult. Avoid making their childhood a traumatic phase. Let them enjoy their childhood meanwhile you relax and enjoy your parenthood journey.

Do you believe in every child is different?
Yes, every kid is different but special in their own way. Embrace children as they are and you will see how beautiful they turn out as adults.

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